Erdington Community Safety & Policing Survey
We're conducting this survey to better understand your experiences with policing and crime in your community. Your honest feedback is essential in helping us identify areas where we can improve policing and enhance public safety.
Please take a few moments to complete this survey. Your responses will be kept strictly confidential.
Your feedback will help us to:
Identify local crime trends and priorities Improve police visibility and response Strengthen community engagement and partnership
Thank you for your time and participation. Your voice matters.
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Overall, how safe do you feel in your neighbourhood during the day?
Overall, how safe do you feel in your neighbourhood at night?
How satisfied are you with the overall level of police presence in your neighbourhood?
How confident are you that the police can be relied on to be there when you need them?
How important are the following issues to you in your neighbourhood? (Top three)
Please select an option
Other issues, please specify
Other issues, please specify
Have you personally experienced any of the following crimes in the past year?
Please select an option
Other crimes, please specify
Other crimes, please specify
Did you report this to West Midlands Police?
Please select an option
What were you reasons for not reporting the crime(s) experienced?
What were you reasons for not reporting the crime(s) experienced?
Aside from the crimes you've experienced, have you witnessed any of the following crimes in the past year?
Please select an option
Other crime witnessed, please specify
Other crime witnessed, please specify
Did you report the crime(s) witnessed to West Midlands Police?
Please select an option
What were you reasons for not reporting the crime(s) witnessed?
What were you reasons for not reporting the crime(s) witnessed?
What are the most serious crime problems facing your neighbourhood?
What are the most serious crime problems facing your neighbourhood?
How often do you communicate with the police about crime concerns in your neighbourhood?
What are your reasons for not communicating with the police about your neighbourhood crime concerns?
What are your reasons for not communicating with the police about your neighbourhood crime concerns?
How much would you agree that the police in your area can be trusted?
How satisfied are you that the police listen to the concerns of local people?
How satisfied are you that the police are dealing with the things that matter to people in your community
Would you be interested in participating in community crime prevention programmes, such as neighbourhood watch, streetwatch or cadets?
Please use the link at the end of the survey to contact us for more information
Are you a member of any neighbourhood watch groups or community Facebook groups?
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Would you be willing to share some further information about yourself? The information will help us understand who responds and in what way, no information collected will be identifiable.
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How long have you lived in Erdington?
How long have you lived in Erdington?
What gender do you identify as?
What is your ethnic group?
Any other Asian background, please describe
Any other Asian background, please describe
Any other Mixed / Multiple ethnic background, please describe
Any other Mixed / Multiple ethnic background, please describe
Any other White background, please describe
Any other White background, please describe
Any other Black / African / Caribbean background, please describe
Any other Black / African / Caribbean background, please describe
Any other ethnic group, please describe
Any other ethnic group, please describe
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